Just thinking: Freshness of His Grace

Just thinking: Freshness of His Grace

Just thinking: Freshness of His Grace

Lamentations 3:22-23 (ESV) – The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

As I meditated on some of the devotions this morning and prayed with my wife (thank God for technology), it occurred to me that every thing that comes from God is fresh DAILY especially as we spend time with Him.

This is a concept that might be difficult for us human to comprehend because we re-use stuff, but God’s gifts to our lives is not the gold wrist-watch we use once is a while, His Spirit in us refreshes His gifts and re-energizes His fruit in our lives DAILY.

Lord, help me to be in the position “spiritually” where i’m able to receive everything I need daily (Fresh), for the assignment of that day. Help me not to caught in the web of the past (good or bad), so I can press in and on DAILY in the FRESHNESS of what you’ve provided for me through your Spirit that dwells in me. Amen.

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