Just Thinking: Revealed vs. Communicated Knowledge

Just Thinking: Revealed vs. Communicated Knowledge

Just Thinking: Revealed vs. Communicated Knowledge

Knowledge is accumulating information. Knowledge is very different from Wisdom (application of knowledge) and knowledge could be limited or vast, it could be on one issue or numerous issues. Beyond knowledge, Understanding is better.

Revealed knowledge is when you have an epiphany perhaps listening to or reading a or any book. It is when words “logos” become “Rhema” a living breathing word to you. For example, you might previously think love is an emotion, but when you read or hear and understand that it is a choice/decision – love then becomes a revealed knowledge.

Communicated knowledge is when you accept a particular knowledge without a thorough understanding or the desire to go seek the truth. Too many of us, listen to and quote our favorite “prophet, bishop, teacher” assuming they are right without being like the Bereans, who after listening to Paul speak, still went to double check with the scrolls.

Using marriage analogy, this concept is a “YUUGEEE” issue. When husband and wife, discuss an issue, and the passive-aggresive of the two say yes, not because he/she really see the revelation in the issue, rather because that is what my husband or wife wants, and to bring peace (simply a communicated knowledge) – such a spouse would not be able to defend that knowledge to the in-laws or anyone.

We humans do well, when a knowledge is revealed rather than just being communicated (or told). Revelation (Rhema) knowledge is always by the Holy Spirit, when we put ourselves in the position to receive (reading and hearing primarily).

Sometimes, Revelation or Rhema comes from going back to study a sermon you’ve heard, listen to a teaching you’ve heard or watching a taping you previously seen kinda like the Bereans.

  • this write-up was inspired by the book i’m reading now “Good or God” by John Bevere (highly recommended).

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