Pattern and Principles: Vulnerability

Pattern and Principles: Vulnerability

To be vulnerable is to let down your natural protective guard, guard against your soul and person. It means giving up the guards and trusting someone else to protect and provide those things that you would have done yourself in other to protect your territory.

One of the key element of “Christianity” is being “Vulnerable” – when we accept Christ, He not only becomes our Savior, but also our “Lord – Master”, meaning His Spirit (in us) and His word (given to us) now become our guide and guard rather than the natural protective instincts we’ve developed and taught in some instances.

Our natural instinct when our spouse offend or abuse our trust, is to clamp down and protect ourselves.

Our natural instinct is not to forgive especially when someone very close to us does something really bad and break the trust we’ve reposed in them. Our natural instinct is to seek vengeance when we’ve been wronged.

For the NT believer, who have accepted Christ as Savior and Lord, we signed that vulnerability pledge over to Christ, that is why Paul the apostle wrote to the Galatia (2: 20), Ephesus (4: 26) and the Roman (12: 1) churches, about dying to that natural instinct NOT to be vulnerable but to seek vengeance, or else?

There are many in the Bible who with the help of God understood the principle of being vulnerable and letting God. Joseph in avenging his brothers, David in not killing Saul twice when he could, Stephen when he was being stoned, Paul when he was being taken to Rome and in Rome itself.

For you to witness the Greatness of God’ attributes in your life, marriage and other areas of life, you must learn to trust God, and then becoming vulnerable to your spouse (in-spite of whatever the enemy and the world say) becomes easier.

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