Being Married: The Life of Nancy Reagan…Helpmeet

Being Married: The Life of Nancy Reagan…Helpmeet

Being Married: The Life of Nancy Reagan…Helpmeet

This past week, one of the questions ask of me, was the meaning of women being a helpmeet. A young man seem to believe, it means his wife just basically submits to his leadership and her aspirations in life ends once she is married, of course the lady felt it meant something different.

As Nancy Reagan is being buried this week, what most people remember about her is her fierce loyalty to her husband. She made sure friends remained loyal and she kept their enemies closer. In one news report, one of the people who saw her last, is the husband of her husband’s first daughter (her step-daughter is dead, but her husband now remarried, chose to have an enduring relationship).

Many news reporter have said they had regular lunch, coffee, or whatever with her, knowing that Washington press was hostile to her husband – that is huge. She is known to have consulted astronomy just to protect and help her husband. To me it is a huge testimony to who this woman is, that her pall-bearers are former secret service agents.

I’m not sure if this woman had a spiritual rebirth or had a relationship with Christ beyond church attendance, but her life reflected what Paul had in mind when he wrote that letter to married folks in Ephesus, about women being Helpmeet to their husbands.

Unfortunately, too many women today are more like the fictional character Claire Underwood (House of Cards), who wants her own stuff just like the husband, at whatever expense. This has led to competition in many homes, the children and society at large often pay the price.

Here is my answer to the young people who ask me that question. God has created men and women differently, not to compete but to Complement each other (spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, etc.), while the man coordinate (heads) the process.

When i’m involved with young couples one of my assignment for them is, go write your 5, 10 and 25 years individual vision, combine both to a family vision with a timeline, then lets talk. We are each other’s best cheer leader when we support each other and not compete.

It is not all the time that friends and enemies alike agree on aspect someone’s character, if there is anything that is shared about Nancy Reagan, it is that she is the epitome of a Helpmeet. Good Night.

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