Just Thinking: Can God Trust You?

Just Thinking: Can God Trust You?

Just Thinking: Can God Trust You?

Luke 16:11 (NIV) – “So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?”

Unlike Faith, which comes from hearing the word of God, Trust comes from the experience gained through obedience or follow-through. Trust is applicable both in our Vertical relationship (with God) and our Horizontal relationships (husband/wife, parent/child, sheep/under-shepherd, etc.).

A lot of emphasis is put of having Faith and Trusting God, but we often miss the fact that God is also looking for humans He can TRUST to do what He wants to do, so my question to you is can God Trust You?

In what is called the parable of the talent – about the Kingdom of Heaven, Jesus told the story of three servants – all three given talents (gifts) according to their abilities (one got five, one got two and the last guy got one). God did not require equality, He simply require each person to produce based on the gift and abilities He put in each of them.

Under the New Testament, God still primarily uses humans to meet the needs of other humans, so He is constantly looking for faithful, obedient and trustworthy servants to use in your neighborhood. However, He can’t use you, if you don’t have the habit of being trustworthy, for whatever reason.

In our (human) realm, we seem to give assignments to the person or group that produce results, we don’t typically give assignment to the person that gives us bad results with ton of excuses. It is the same thing with God, if you are constantly faithful in little stuff, then gradually He starts to add more to your plate, knowing that excuses is nothing to you – in-spite of the obstacles on your path.

We all want the big assignments that is upfront and seen by everyone, but we are not trustworthy in the little assignments that God gives to test our obedience, faithfulness and trustworthiness. Some of us started well with God, but then initial success made them trust in the arm of flesh, instead of in God.

If you truly desire God use You to/for His Glory, then you need to start letting Him know He can trust you (since He is no respecter of persons). Can He trust you that the finances will flow through you – not get hoarded, can He trust you to take a foster child in and adopt him/her, can He trust you with bringing THE Good News (not your good news) to His people?

Remember, every assignment will bring challenges, the Trust is in how we navigate those challenges and continue on the assignment, like Paul bringing the Good News to Gentiles inspire of the challenges. While Paul started many churches in his three mission journeys, it was his house-arrest in Rome and eventual acceptance of Christ by Emperor Constantine that made, Christianity the world’s largest religion by number.

Are you willing to pay the price to be Trusted by God?

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