Just Thinking: Chosen Path

Just Thinking: Chosen Path

Just Thinking: Chosen Path?

Jeremiah 6:16 (NIV) – This is what the Lord says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls..”.

About 16 years ago, I reluctantly heeded the call for full time itinerant ministry, specifically in the area of marital relationship. God had just done an amazing thing in the life and marriage of Ola and I, and I was to go out there and share.

Success (according to the world) came quickly, I wrote books that were featured in media outlets, was offered a 15 minute segment on TBN, became a writer on a popular website, and doors of speaking in huge churches opened. But I also became disillusioned – with the success came interactions with popular people and seeing behind the veil of supposed “ministry work” threw me off.

I was in the transition of going back to corporate (logistics – international express), when God sent Bro. David Ravenhill my way. Bro. Dave showed me another path of ministry different from the ones I was being offered by popular people, with God’s Grace I chose the narrow (but unpopular path), and I thank God everyday for it. Many might complain about me personally (which is OK), but none can dispute God’s Truth (Biblical Christianity) I share.

At the MEC (classes) i’m teaching at my home church, the issue of path came up last night. We discovered that for those with many divorce in their heritage, it is easy to default to divorce when life’s storm comes – because it is all around, but those who come from a heritage that folks endure and stay put, divorce is rare (few and far between).

The path you are taking (or chosen) to work on your marriage, rather than abandon it, has more implication beyond you, it has tremendous meaning for your grandchildren and generations yet unborn. No marriage would be trouble free, but your choice matters to those who will view it from behind.

As a child that is now transformed by God’s Spirit and his Truth, you can change your path, and set a new legacy for your children. God will send you your own “David Ravenhill” when you are at a crossroad (like I was with ministry) – only be determined to be Faithful and Obedient.

Once we set ourselves on the wrong path and become comfortable with the path, it is often very difficult to turn back, it takes God’s huge grace (if there is anything like that). Like prophet Jeremiah wrote, it is my prayer that God would help us take the right path at the different crossroads of our lives.

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