Pattern and Principles: Christianity does not mean absence of CHAOS

Pattern and Principles: Christianity does not mean absence of CHAOS

Pattern and Principles: Christianity does not mean absence of CHAOS

John 16:33 (NKJV) – “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

To be very sure and certain, humans who have not made Jesus the Lord of their lives and believe inm as Savior, belong to the kingdom of darkness and have NO hope. Infact, such people rely on their intellect and emotion to navigate the undulation life throws at them.

We live in a sinful fallen world, a world where the enemy of God has set up a system that surrounds us with principles that negate Godly principles, so our MINDS are bombarded both directly by the enemy (temptations) and the institutions (religious, media, entertainment, etc) he set up. Jesus, many times was clear about the nature of our sinful world, Infact, He said towards the end evil in our world will increase.

As Jesus prayed (before Ascension), we are not to leave the (sinful) World, we are to have Faith, Hope and Love Him. So, when we accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, we still live in a sinful world, but we change citizenship spiritually, and this spiritually change bring about transformation of our soul (mind and will), which in-turn changes how we act and re-act in a sinful world.

When we truly accept Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord (not religious), His shed blood reconciles us to God hence becoming our Savior. The opportunity to dwell in God’s presence bring about a level of relationship (spiritually). This new vertical relationship then bring about death to our sinful nature (Gal. 2: 20) and being transformed by the renewing our mind with God’s word (Rom. 12: 2). JESUS PAID FOR US TO HAVE THIS TRANSFORMATION AND INNER PEACE.

As True Belivers (one whose spirit has been rebirthed and connects to the Holy Spirit), who still lives in a sinful world (that gets worse or real bad towards the end), it is our perspective that changes – a perspective that comes from Spiritual renewal within.

We now believe and know that God’s Word is the absolute Truth and seek to Obey them. We now die to our sinful nature, while allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us, reminding us of God’s Truth and Guiding our daily lives.

It is through the Holy Spirit (already indwelling us) and obedience to God’s written word that we have Faith and Trust, which gives us confidence in a sinful fallen world. We trust that we have authority and power in Jesus name. We trust that when we are obedient to is written word – His promises are yeah and amen (would never come back void).

So, what gives us confidence in a crazy world is not that the world would suddenly have peace (absence of chaos) but that we will have PEACE internally from having God’s Spirit living within and our Obedience to is written word, as we say “not my will but yours be done” daily.

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